No posts for years? What’s been happening??

Well, this poor site has been neglected since 2017. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been active. I continued racing in SSM in SCCA, and even had a 3rd-place finish (out of >40 cars) when a sudden downpour put at least 13 cars (including 2 of my “team members”) into the wall just past Turn 4 at Summit Point. Cars were badly damaged, and some drivers were, also.

I somehow got a second slower and went from finishing 11-13 to finishing 17-23. New engine, suspension analysis – no significant improvement. Still fun because anywhere you’re racing in such a large class there will be a few cars right at your speed. But 3 of the 4 other team members are now driving in the national SM class (Spec Miata) and the 4th member moved to Florida, so I sold my SSM car and have just purchased an SM car. It has a dropped floor, but due to the particular cage in the car, the dropped floor doesn’t go all the way back to the firewall, so I have the choice of a lowered seat that is 3″ from the back of the car, or a seat all the way back that is not low enough. Either way, my legs are hitting the steering wheel so the car needs a modification to get me to comfortably (and safely) fit. Bret de Pedro (RP Performance) has worked with me to figure out a way to get the seat moved and we believe we’re come up with a solution.

Need to head out to OG Racing because the car came without harnesses. The car is currently bright green, but because the (very light) doors have no way to install windows for storage/transport, 2 new-to-me red doors have just been gutted, and I’m also going to replace the rumpled aluminum hood. This is how the car looks now.

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